Got Green Eyes? This Doctor Has News For You

Rare Eye Color Only about 2% of the world’s population has green eyes, making them one of the rarest eye colors globally.

Genetic Origin Green eyes result from a unique combination of low melanin levels and light scattering within the iris.

Sun Sensitivity Due to lower melanin, green eyes are more sensitive to sunlight, so wearing sunglasses with UV.

Higher Risk of Eye Conditions People with green eyes may have a slightly increased risk of developing macular degeneration.


Cultural Significance: Historically, green eyes have been linked to myths and legends, often seen as mysterious or even magical.

Perceived Attractiveness: Green eyes are often considered especially attractive and are frequently highlighted.

Genetic Rarity Both parents must carry the gene for a child to have green eyes, contributing to their rarity.

Shade Variations Green eyes can range from light hazel-green to deep emerald, and the shade can vary with lighting and clothing.

