Foods Most People Think Are Healthy, But They Are Wrong


Granola Bars While marketed as healthy snacks, many granola bars are high in sugar and may contain unhealthy fats.


Flavored Yogurt Flavored yogurts often have added sugars and artificial flavors, reducing their nutritional value


Smoothies from Stores: Store-bought smoothies can be packed with sugar and calories, especially if they contain syrups


Packaged Veggie Chips: These often have high levels of sodium and unhealthy fats, despite being made from vegetables.


Low-Fat or Fat-Free Foods These products often compensate for the lack of fat with added sugars or artificial ingredients


Agave Syrup Often perceived as a healthier alternative to sugar, agave syrup is high in fructose and can have


Diet Sodas While they contain fewer calories, the artificial sweeteners in diet sodas may have negative health effects


Store-Bought Salad Dressings Many salad dressings are high in unhealthy fats, sugars, and preservatives.