Eight foods you must never ever have with tea
Spicy Foods
Spicy dishes can overpower the delicate flavors of tea.
Strongly Flavored Cheeses
Cheese with very strong flavors can clash with tea.
Heavy, Creamy Desserts
Desserts like rich chocolate cake or heavy custards can be too much alongside tea.
Citrus Fruits
While lemon in tea is common, citrusy fruits on their own can sometimes conflict with tea flavors.
Sour Pickles
The sourness can clash with the subtleties of tea.
Very Salty Snacks
Excess saltiness can detract from the tea's taste.
Very Sweet Pastries
Pastries with extremely sweet icing or fillings might overpower the tea's flavor
Garlic or Onion-flavored Snacks
These strong flavors can overpower the tea.
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