Drinking Habits That Can Jumpstart Your Weight Loss
Drink Water Before Meals
Drinking a glass of water before meals can help you feel fuller and reduce your calorie intake.
Choose Green Tea
Green tea contains antioxidants called catechins that may help boost metabolism
Avoid Sugary Drinks
Sodas, sweetened teas, and energy drinks are high in added sugars and calories.
Opt for Black Coffee
Coffee, without added sugar or cream, is low in calories and can boost your metabolism
Infuse Your Water
Adding fruits, vegetables, or herbs to your water can make it more flavorful and encourage you to drink
Limit Alcohol
Alcoholic beverages can be high in calories and may lower inhibitions, leading to overeating.
Use Smaller Glasses
Drinking from smaller glasses can help control portion sizes and reduce calorie intake, especially
Drink Protein Shakes
A protein shake can be a healthy meal replacement or snack option that keeps you full and satisfied
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