High sugar content in sodas and fruit juices spikes insulin levels and promotes inflammation, increasing the risk of chronic diseases and inflammatory conditions.
Fried foods contain unhealthy trans fats and acrylamides, which promote inflammation and contribute to heart disease and other chronic health issues.
Processed meats like sausages and bacon contain nitrates and preservatives that can trigger inflammatory responses and increase the risk of chronic diseases.
Drinking excessive alcohol disrupts gut health and triggers inflammation, increasing the risk of liver disease, digestive issues, and other chronic conditions.
High consumption of red meat, especially when processed, contains compounds that can trigger inflammation and increase the risk of chronic diseases like cancer.
Some individuals are sensitive to dairy, and consumption can lead to inflammation, digestive issues, and exacerbate autoimmune conditions in susceptible individuals.
Vegetable oils like corn and soybean oil are high in omega-6 fatty acids, which can promote inflammation when consumed in excess.
Rich in sugar and unhealthy fats, pastries and sweets cause blood sugar spikes and inflammation, contributing to weight gain and metabolic issues.