Toss them in your pasta dish or place them atop your homemade pizza, because sundried tomatoes are packed full of potassium with almost 20% of your daily value in 1/2 cup.
Acorn squash is a winter squash rich in potassium, with 19% of your daily value.
Russet potatoes, which are often called white or Idaho potatoes, are a great way to get a boost of potassium because they're so easy to cook with and can be added to a variety of different dishes.
A serving of spinach will provide you with nearly 18% of your daily value of potassium, but its benefits don't stop there.
A 1/2 cup serving gives you 16% of your daily value of potassium, as well as almost 5 grams of fiber, which can help keep you full until your next meal.
Cook up some lentil soup or a side of this legume to enjoy the potassium benefits.
You can use avocados in so many different types of dishes. You can whip up some guacamole, use it as a spread on top of toast, eat it with soup or chili, or add frozen avocado to your smoothie.
Prunes are known as nature's remedy for constipation, but they do more than just help to keep things moving.