1This stage is marked by the acknowledgment of discontent within the marriage. Individuals begin to identify problems and weigh the potential need for separation.
Individuals begin exploring alternatives to the relationship. This could include therapy, a trial separation, or imagining life as a single person.
This pivotal stage involves making the difficult decision to separate. It requires acceptance of the fact that the relationship is not working and the willingness to move on.
At this stage, the decision to separate is acted upon. This could involve legal proceedings for divorce or moving out of a shared home. It is a concrete step towards separation.
In this stage, legal and financial matters are settled. Issues such as asset division, alimony, child custody, and other legalities are dealt with, finalizing the divorce.
1. The final stage involves adjusting to life after divorce. This can include coping with feelings of loss, establishing new routines, and navigating life as a single individual. 2.