How to Make Chicken Broth From Carcass

Homemade chicken broth makes an excellent base for soup or an enticing addition to salad, not to mention making the ideal present for friends and family members alike!

This recipe produces both chicken stock and bone broth, which are both simmered longer for maximum flavor. Both types can be stored in the refrigerator before being heated back up for consumption later.


A delicious chicken broth can be produced by combining the carcass from roasted or cooked chicken with various aromatic vegetables such as garlic, onions, celery, and carrots, along with garlic. Once combined, this mixture should simmer slowly for several hours so that the gelatin and collagen found within its bones dissolve into liquid and create a flavorful broth with rich gelatinous textures and aroma.

Chicken broth is not only delicious as a soup base, it is also packed full of essential proteins, minerals, and nutrients that support overall wellness. Furthermore, drinking it when sick can speed recovery by replenishing lost electrolytes more rapidly – providing much-needed relief quickly.

To prepare this easy recipe, place the chicken carcass in a large stockpot, cover it with water, and add onion, celery, and carrots before bringing it to a boil over medium heat and reducing it to simmer for around two hours before straining and discarding solids. When finished, strain out and refrigerate immediately before freezing into smaller glass jars or freezer bags with half an inch left for expansion space – label and date!


For an easy solution, place chicken carcasses and vegetable scraps in a large pot with plenty of water, cover, and simmer. Strain out after several hours and use as desired; I like using homemade chicken broth in recipes such as Oktoberfest Stew, Zesty Mexican Chicken Stew, and Simple Lemony Chicken & Vegetable Soup.

If you don’t have access to a chicken carcass, an alternative would be purchasing a rotisserie bird and asking your butcher for any bones and scraps (these usually cost around $3). Roast these in the oven before adding additional depth of flavor with the Maillard reaction.

Once the stock has cooled down, strip any meat from the chicken and store it in a container in your fridge (perfect for chicken salad or to add to salad greens). To speed up thawing times when ready to use it again, freeze the stock in glass jars, leaving 1/2-inch head space at all times so it thaws faster when defrosted from its frozen state.


A whole chicken carcass contains the perfect combination of meat, bones, and cartilage to make an indulgent broth rich in collagen – similar to making bone broth (although simmering may take longer, and some recipes call for adding organ meats such as heart and gizzard for extra flavor).

Add chicken, skin, carcass, carrots, celery, onion, bay leaves, peppercorns, and herbs into a large lidded saucepan along with 1.5ltr cold water and bring slowly to a simmer.

Submerge ingredients in water for 3 hours. Remove foam that rises to the surface as necessary and stir occasionally to make sure all the ingredients remain submerged.

Cool before straining through a fine mesh sieve and discarding solids before seasoning with salt to create 8 cups (2 quarts) of homemade broth that can be refrigerated and consumed within four days or frozen and used up to three months later – divide into freezer-safe containers leaving half an inch headspace and label before placing back in the fridge to thaw overnight before refrigerating again!


Chicken carcasses may seem daunting at first, but their delicate structure makes for easy dissection and reduces food waste (hearts, gizzards, carrot tops, onion peels, and celery bottoms that would typically be sent to landfill or compost bin will become the foundation for an aromatic broth). While you could make this recipe whenever leftover roast chicken is lying around, saving it for when there are enough bones from a whole bird or large pile is far more effective for creating maximum flavorful broth!

Place chicken bones, skin, vegetables, and seasonings into a large stockpot with enough water to cover. Bring to a simmer, skimming away foam as necessary before simmering, partially cover for 4 hours minimum before tasting, and adjust seasoning as necessary. Cool the broth before straining it through a fine mesh strainer into an airtight container in your fridge, or store it for later use in freezer-safe Ziploc bags or jars.


Transforming a chicken carcass into a rich, homemade broth is a culinary art. Follow our simple steps to extract every bit of flavor and nutrients, creating a versatile and comforting chicken broth that elevates your soups, stews, and dishes to new heights.

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